Education Services
“In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education.”
– Brown v. Board of Education
Advocating for Equitable Education for All Children
Your child deserves every opportunity to excel. At The Effiong Firm, we focus on preserving your child’s right to learn. We believe every child deserves a chance to meet his or her potential. Every child can learn and deserves to be treated with dignity, regardless of race, class, sex, or ability. With the right services, supports and interventions, every child can achieve and should have an equal opportunity to learn.
As parents, we know you want the best for your children. We know you are committed to their success. You work hard to provide your children with the resources they need to thrive. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself facing an uphill battle with the school. You do not have to go it alone. We can help!
Our firm partners with parents to help you avoid harsh, exclusionary punishment, obtain appropriate educational services for your children, and protect your child’s right to an education as defined by law.
Service Offerings:
School Discipline Services
- Tribunal Hearing
- Hearing Appeals
Special Education Services
- Child Find
- Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Section 504 Plans
- Manifestation Determination Review
- Monthly Legal Subscription
Stakeholder Educational Consulting Services
- Communication + Conflict Resolution
- Anti-Discriminatory Discipline Practices
- Mutually Beneficial Parental Engagement Policies
- Educational Rights Trainings
My Values & Beliefs
Genuine Ongoing Collaboration is Key
Children thrive when parents and schools work together. For that reason, we focus on improving communication and conflict resolution skills first. If we have to file suit, we will, but we find greater success in preserving relationships focused on meeting the needs of the child.
All Children Can Learn
Every child has the capacity to learn. Even if differently. No child should be denied this opportunity for characteristics or circumstances beyond their control. Education has the power to build confidence, transform lives, and improve communities for everyone.
A Parent is a Child’s Best Advocate
Parents know their children better than anyone else. They have spent the most time with them and have the greatest investment in the child’s well-being. A well-informed parent is an invaluable asset to the education process. (S)he has the greatest ability to affect change on behalf of children.
My Approach
We play the long game. Georgia law requires a child to attend some form of schooling from age 6 to 16. Federal law affords special education services up to age 22. That is a long time to retain an attorney. At The Effiong Firm, we focus on meeting your immediate legal needs while equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to advocate for your child throughout their educational journey. We leverage innovation and technology to teach parents, guardians and equity-focused stakeholders how to advocate effectively, access resources, and build relationships that improve the educational outcomes for students.
Ask us about our unbundled services, online courses, workshops, and monthly legal subscription program.
Knowledge applied is power. Get the information you need to advocate like a lawyer for the long haul.