
Nonprofit + Social Enterprise Services

 If we are going to be part of the solution, we have to engage the problems.”

– Majora Carter

Maximizing Social Impact

Your mission matters. Many of our nation’s most pressing problems cannot be solved by the public or the private sectors alone. Mission-driven organizations, whether nonprofit or for-profit,  are critical to advancing society forward faster. Running a successful organization takes strategy and (he)art. We help founders determine the best legal entity to advance their mission and handle all the legal “stuff.” We also provide strategic advice on how to grow the organization’s economic, human, and social capital and diversify its revenue sources.  

Our team ensures your organization is structured to compete for grants, comply with certifications or regulations, and connect with your donor base. Trust and transparency are vital for any organization’s success. We focus on implementing strategies that boost your brand recognition and protect your goodwill.

At The Effiong Firm, we cross the t’s and dot the i’s so you can focus on making the world a better place.


Service Offerings:

Nonprofit Startup

  • Nonprofit Incorporation
  • Tax-Exempt Status Filing
  • Charitable Registration
  • Copyright, Trademark, Trade Secrets

Organizational Matters

  • Contracts + Grants Management
  • Board Development + Governance
  • Board Policies + Procedures
  • People Matters

Compliance Matters

  • Alternate Revenue Models
  • Fundraising + Cause-Marketing 
  • Tax-Exempt Maintenance
  • Risk Management

My Values & Beliefs

Problem-Solvers Come in All Colors + Walks of Life

We believe that with support, communities closest to the problem are best suited to solve them. Accordingly, we help historically marginalized founders launch + grow their impact and create sustainable organizations.


We Can Do Well by Doing Good

We all benefit from a clean, caring + connected community. That is why we are committed to doing our part through quality legal solutions at cost-effective/predictable rates for qualifying organizations.


Sustainability Matters

It is impossible to make an impact if you are closed for business.  We focus on ensuring your solution can stand the test of time without the burnout. 


My Approach

At The Effiong Firm, we think outside the box so you can accomplish your goals. As a mission-driven organization you have to be creative. Whether it is in the delivery of services, the measurement of impact, the engagement of donors and investors, you need someone on your team who can help you navigate the rules and regulations. We bring our best legal thinking and real life experience to the table to help you expand your efforts. Our goal is to work with you to build, protect, and expand your impact over the long haul.

Let’s change the world together. Add us to your team today!